This is a very large and highly detailed map covers the German Empire, which at the time controlled much of central Europe, and extended from the Baltic Sea to the Gulf of Venice. It includes today’s Germany, Austria, Czech Republic, part of Poland, Lithuania, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Belgium and parts of Denmark. The map also includes Hungary. There is a great deal of detail of topographical features, towns and cities, roadways, towns, forts, monasteries, forests, swamps, etc. Color otlined political boundaries are shown. An elaborate allegorical title cartouche in the upper left quadrant depicts the German double-headed eagle overlooking two warrior maidens who have just banished Medusa. This was engraved by Thomas Kitchin and publisher by Robert Sayer. Printed on four sheets and joined as two horizontal sheets, as issued.
1759 Delarochette Map of the German Empire and most of Central Europe
Map of the Empire of Germany, Including All the States Comprehended under that Name: with the Kingdom of Prussia, &c.
Map Maker Specifics
L Delarochette, 1759, London
40.5 x 47 in. joined plus margins
Very good to good. Toning, most noticeable in the narrow margins. A few modest splits (several closed on verso) in folds. A few light soil spots. Some foxing. Printed on thick paper on four sheets, and two pairs were horizantally joined. Issued folds, and several horizontal creases in upper map. Color outline.