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This is a rather scarce early map of portions of Iowa, Wisconsin and also today's Minnesota. The map extends from Missouri's northern border into Canada and east to the middle of Lake Michigan. There are only 19 named counties in Iowa, with Sioux and Winnebago lands to the north. Wisconsin is largely unsettled with only 18 counties. The large inset details the lands of the Dahcota, Chippeways, Fox, Iowa, and Saulk Indians.  Shown are the watershed of the Missouri and Mississippi Rivers, forts, rapids, portages, etc.  This was published only three years after Iowa became a territory, and is among the first of maps of these lands as territories. 

1838 Bradford Map of Iowa and Wisconsin

SKU: 2461
  • Title

    Iowa and Wisconsin

  • Map Maker Specifics

    T Bradford, 1838, New York

  • Size

    14.3 x 11.5 in. plus margins

  • Condition

    Very good.  Slight toning, mostly in margins.  Two small chips in right corners.  Colored.

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