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This plan shows the Battle of Freiburg (August 3, 5, 9, 1644), being part of the famous Thirty Years' War. The Bavarian army captured Freiburg a week prior and the French unsuccessfully tried to recapture it on the three days.  The map offers details of the armies’ location and topography of the surroundings of this Black Forest city, which lost most of its inhabitants during the war.  Maps and plans by the map maker, Antoine Coquart, are very seldom seen in auctions or at dealers.

1705 Coquat Plan of the Battle of Fribourg during the 30 Yr.'s War

SKU: 2423g
  • Title

    Plan des combats de Fribourg Donnés le 3, le 5 et le 9 d'Aoust 1644...

  • Map Maker Specifics

    A Coquart, 1705 c., Paris

  • Size

     9.4 x 14.4 in. plus margins

  • Condition

    Good.  Sharp uncolored image.  A few soil spots, mostly in the narrow margins.  Damp stain in upper portions.  One foxing spot.  Issued folds.

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