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This is superb panoramic view of Confederate charge by General Longstreet (known as Picket's Charge though) on July 3, 1863 which was the last day of the battle.  General Robert E. Lee ordered his commanders to assault Union General Meade's positions on Cemetery Ridge.  Bachelder reported that this was "the high water mark of the Confederacy." However, they were ultimately repulsed and suffered a 50% casualty rate among the 12,500 Confederate soldiers.  This was a turning point of the war.   John Bachelder was a portrait and landscape painter, lithographer, and photographer and is best known as the historian of the Battle of Gettysburg.  This is a Electrotype engraving by H Hall.  Very few public institutions have a copy of this view.  

1876 Bachelder View of Pickett's Charge at Gettysburg

SKU: 2647
  • Title

    Battle of Gettysburg (Repulse of Longstreet's Assault)  

  • Map Maker Specifics

    J Bachelder, 1876, Boston

  • Size

    14.3 X 35.4 in. plus margins

  • Condition

    Good-fair.  Crisp impression.  Evenly toned image and margins.  Numerous spotting and foxing areas, mostly in the margins.  On thicker paper stock.  Damp stains in lower areas, but not in the image itself.  Uncolored.

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