This is a large and highly detailed chart of Strait of Juan de Fuca and adjacent geography. The chart was drawn as the end result of the infamous "Pig War" of 1859 between the United States and Great Britain. It arose from a dispute over the shooting of a free range British owned pig, while the pig was helphing himself to an American's potato garden on the disputed San Juan Island. The conflict escalated into a standoff of 5 British warships against 461 American troops resolved eventually, and clear boundaries were laid out, as shown here (San Juan Island became officially fully part of the US). This is the American version of the British Admiralty Chart that accompanied the Protocol of Agreement settling the boundary dispute. The signatures of the executors of the Protocol are shown. Blue and red line indicates the boundary decision.
1873 Chart of Strait of Juan de Fuca
North America, West Coast, Strait of Juan de Fuca, and the Channels between the Continent and Vancouver Id. Showing the Boundary-Line between British and American Possessions, from the Admiralty Surveys …1873
Map Maker Specifics
U.S. Hydrographic Office, 1873, Washington DC
29.5 X 42.9 in. plus margins
Good. Two sheets joined. Modest toning, most noticeably in issued folds. A number of fold splits, mostly small/medium in size, but the two largest are at ca. 6 in. Colored outline of the British/Canada - US boundary.